We are seeking a creative individual or agency with design, digital marketing, and social media expertise to support the promotion of the GM Walking Festival 2024.
Aligning with National Walking Month in May, The GM Walking Festival is a celebration of walking and wheeling, and an opportunity for everyone to join in with a programme of free, group walks across Greater Manchester.
The month-long programme of activities is organised and shaped by local people to spread the joy of walking and connect each other to local places, which has huge benefits to physical health and mental wellbeing.
The festival is an annual community-led campaign that sees individuals, groups, and organisations hosting and joining in walks throughout the month of May.
Everyone is invited to host/organise a walk and can submit their events here before the deadline of Friday 22 March.
After this deadline, we need agency support to ensure that as many people as possible are aware of the GM Walking Festival, head to the website to find a walk that appeals to them, and discover the joy of moving more.
The successful agency will work with GM Moving to develop and agree the design and appropriate messaging for physical assets and agree communications plan for social media paid adverts.
It'll then be the responsibility of the agency to manage content and targeting for social media channels and provide GM Moving with weekly social media analytic updates.
Further details via the invitation to tender at the bottom of this page.
Please send submissions to [email protected] before 5pm on Tuesday 27 February.
GM Moving caught up with Manchester Mind and Moodswings to learn how two leading mental health providers are building movement and physical activity back into their service offer.
Highlighting the Creating the Conditions for Change series on Greater Manchester’s approach to physical activity and Dr. Katie Shearn's use of emerging evidence.
Louise takes a closer look at the active travel chapter within the latest Chief Medical Officer’s annual report and how it relates to our ongoing work in Greater Manchester.