Designed as a place for GM partners to access and share resources that focus on promoting physical activity and movement as part of every day life.
What is it?
The GM Moving Resource Hub is designed as a place where partners can access and share useful resources supporting projects, campaigns, and initiatives taking place across Greater Manchester that focus on movement and physical activity.
The themes currently on the Resource Hub are outlined below however we’ll be looking to expand and continue adding resources that will be useful for partners.
All photos and videos on the Resource Hub have the consent for GM Moving partners to use across Greater Manchester and beyond.
What you’ll find on the Resource Hub:
Users are able to filter assets in a number of ways on the righthand side such as by borough, activity, and media type.
Partners can also upload resources beneficial to others providing they have the relevant consent. Please note these will be reviewed by GM Moving before being published.
We'd encourage partners to share their photos/videos/stories etc to make it easier for partners across Greater Manchester and further afield to promote movement and physical activity as part of every day life.
To access and be able to use the Resource Hub you will need to create an account. Your account will then be approved by GM Moving, after which point you'll be able to access, download, and share content.
If you have any questions about the GM Moving Resource Hub please contact Lauren Wood.