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GM Moving are excited to launch the Tackling Inequalities network

By GM Moving | 07 March 2024

The network will offer renewed support for organisations providing community sport, physical activity and movement opportunities across Greater Manchester.

Launching Live Well: Building community-led health and wellbeing in GM

By GM Moving | 29 February 2024

Live Well is the name of our collective movement for community-led health and wellbeing across Greater Manchester.

Get Involved: Systems Leadership Workshops 2024

By GM Moving | 29 February 2024

When people get together to change the things that matter, amazing things happen.

Better Conversations supports journey towards moving more

By GM Moving | 26 February 2024

Prior to the training, many non-medical/community-facing staff didn't feel confident in discussing movement and physical activity within their work.

First Sport and Physical Activity Welfare Lead joins GM Moving

By GM Moving | 23 February 2024

Across England, sports clubs and organisations are being supported by a new network of Sport Welfare Officers. They have been recruited by Active Partnerships and funded by Sport England through an investment of National Lottery money.

GM Networks Connect: Laying the Foundations Together

By GM Networks Connect | 20 February 2024

Join the first GM Networks Connect event of 2024 to be part of the change we want to see